Technical Functional Fabric Wholesale

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Technical Functional Fabric Manufacturers

Technology changes life.
We firmly believe that the integration of advanced technology and innovative techniques into textile materials can give textiles unique functions and properties to meet different specific needs and create additional value. Here, we perfectly integrate advanced technology and textiles to present you with a series of amazing functional textile products, including warm feeling, cool feeling, anti-bacterial, moisture-absorbent and quick-drying fabrics and so on.

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Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Tianhong Story

As a China Technical Functional Fabric manufacturers and Technical Functional Fabric factory, we proudly put our customers' needs first. We are well aware of the wide application of fabrics in different industries, so we focus on providing a variety of fabric options to meet the specific needs of various customers. During the production process, we always maintain strict quality control to ensure that every piece of fabric meets high standards.
About us
Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Organic Bamboo Pioneers

We are dedicated to creating more than 90% organic products by 2030, and we are one of the first manufacturers in the world to adopt the organic bamboo OCS label.

Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.


We adhere to the OEKO-TEX 100 standard in our raw material procurement and fabric production processes. Our primary fabric products have obtained the OEKO-TEX 100 certification.

Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Dope Dyeing

Tianhong ensures that over 40% of the fabrics in production use the dope dyeing process. Compared to conventional methods, this process saves an average of 60 tons of water per ton of fabric, reduces dye and auxiliary agent usage by 150 kg, and cuts down carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 750 kg.

Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.
Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Ecological System of Circulation

To guarantee that our goods fulfill sustainable, environmentally friendly, and biodegradable standards, we are devoted to designing, producing, and using raw materials that meet professional certification criteria, including but not limited to fsc, OCS, OEKO-TEX 100, and other certifications. One of the essential raw materials is bamboo fiber, which is among the various eco-friendly materials we use.

Bamboo fiber, a cellulose fiber that is renewable, serves as our primary source of raw materials. Fast-growing bamboo has a far shorter growth cycle than conventional wood raw materials. Since bamboo grows more quickly than it can be harvested, we can periodically harvest it without harming the environment.

The root structure of bamboo also contributes to soil stability, water resource preservation, and soil erosion prevention. This helps protect the natural ecosystem.

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Industry Knowledge

In the dynamic landscape of textiles, Technical Functional Fabric emerges as a pioneering force, revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with clothing. Unlike traditional fabrics, technical functional fabrics are engineered to provide enhanced performance, comfort, and versatility, catering to the evolving needs of modern consumers. 
At the heart of Technical Functional Fabric lies a commitment to innovation, marrying advanced technologies with textile engineering to create fabrics that go beyond traditional expectations. These fabrics often incorporate specialized fibers, coatings, and constructions designed to deliver specific performance benefits. The production process involves cutting-edge techniques that enhance the fabric's functionality, durability, and overall performance.
One of the key features that define Technical Functional Fabric is its moisture-wicking capability. Unlike traditional fabrics that may retain moisture, technical functional fabrics are designed to quickly and efficiently draw sweat away from the skin, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable during physical activities. This attribute is particularly crucial in sportswear and activewear, where moisture management contributes to enhanced performance and overall well-being.
Breathability is another hallmark of Technical Functional Fabric. The fabric's engineered structure allows for optimal air circulation, preventing overheating during intense physical activities. Whether used in running shirts, hiking gear, or athleisure clothing, the breathability of technical functional fabrics contributes to a more comfortable and enjoyable wearing experience, particularly in warm and humid conditions.
The versatility of Technical Functional Fabric extends to its temperature-regulating properties. Many of these fabrics are designed to adapt to the body's temperature, providing warmth in cold conditions and cooling effects in hot weather. This makes technical functional fabrics suitable for a wide range of environments and activities, from outdoor adventures to everyday wear, where the fabric adjusts to the wearer's needs.
Durability is a key consideration in the design of Technical Functional Fabric. The integration of high-performance fibers and innovative weaving techniques results in fabrics that withstand the rigors of intense physical activities and frequent use. Whether it's abrasion resistance in outdoor gear or the ability to withstand repeated washings in activewear, the durability of technical functional fabrics contributes to their longevity and value for consumers.
Incorporating technical functional fabrics into sportswear has become a game-changer in the athletic apparel industry. The enhanced performance attributes, including moisture-wicking, breathability, and durability, align with the demands of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Technical functional fabrics have found applications in running gear, workout clothing, and sports-specific apparel, providing athletes with the functionality they need to excel in their chosen activities.
The outdoor industry has also embraced the benefits of Technical Functional Fabric in the design of performance-oriented gear. From hiking and camping to skiing and mountaineering, outdoor enthusiasts seek clothing and equipment that can withstand various weather conditions and physical challenges. Technical functional fabrics used in outerwear, base layers, and accessories offer solutions for temperature regulation, moisture management, and durability in demanding outdoor environments.
Moreover, Technical Functional Fabric has made its mark in everyday clothing, blurring the lines between performance wear and casual attire. The incorporation of these fabrics into athleisure clothing reflects the changing preferences of consumers who prioritize comfort and functionality in their daily wardrobes. Technical functional fabrics used in casual clothing provide a stylish yet practical option for individuals leading active lifestyles.
Antimicrobial and odor-resistant properties are often integrated into Technical Functional Fabric, addressing concerns related to bacteria growth and unpleasant smells during prolonged wear. These features are particularly beneficial in sportswear and activewear, where the fabric's ability to resist odors contributes to a fresh and hygienic experience, even after intense workouts.
Sun protection is another area where Technical Functional Fabric excels. Many fabrics are designed to provide UV protection, shielding the wearer from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays. This feature is crucial in outdoor activities, where prolonged sun exposure can lead to skin damage. Technical functional fabrics with built-in UV protection offer a layer of defense for those who spend extended periods outdoors.