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Natural Fabric Manufacturers

Natural fabrics, interpret the pure beauty of nature.
Natural fabrics are based on native plant fibers, animal fibers and some special natural materials in nature, and are made through different processes and textile techniques. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it not only has the breathability and comfort given by nature, but also integrates the value of environmental sustainability and unique texture. Discover Tianhong's natural fabrics, feel the charm of nature and experience pure comfort.

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Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Tianhong Story

As a China Natural Fabric manufacturers and Natural Fabric factory, we proudly put our customers' needs first. We are well aware of the wide application of fabrics in different industries, so we focus on providing a variety of fabric options to meet the specific needs of various customers. During the production process, we always maintain strict quality control to ensure that every piece of fabric meets high standards.
About us
Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Organic Bamboo Pioneers

We are dedicated to creating more than 90% organic products by 2030, and we are one of the first manufacturers in the world to adopt the organic bamboo OCS label.

Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.


We adhere to the OEKO-TEX 100 standard in our raw material procurement and fabric production processes. Our primary fabric products have obtained the OEKO-TEX 100 certification.

Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Dope Dyeing

Tianhong ensures that over 40% of the fabrics in production use the dope dyeing process. Compared to conventional methods, this process saves an average of 60 tons of water per ton of fabric, reduces dye and auxiliary agent usage by 150 kg, and cuts down carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 750 kg.

Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.
Nantong Tianhong Textile Technology Co., Ltd.

Ecological System of Circulation

To guarantee that our goods fulfill sustainable, environmentally friendly, and biodegradable standards, we are devoted to designing, producing, and using raw materials that meet professional certification criteria, including but not limited to fsc, OCS, OEKO-TEX 100, and other certifications. One of the essential raw materials is bamboo fiber, which is among the various eco-friendly materials we use.

Bamboo fiber, a cellulose fiber that is renewable, serves as our primary source of raw materials. Fast-growing bamboo has a far shorter growth cycle than conventional wood raw materials. Since bamboo grows more quickly than it can be harvested, we can periodically harvest it without harming the environment.

The root structure of bamboo also contributes to soil stability, water resource preservation, and soil erosion prevention. This helps protect the natural ecosystem.

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Industry Knowledge

In the ever-changing landscape of the textile industry, the resurgence of interest in natural fabrics marks a return to classic elegance and a profound commitment to sustainability. Natural fabrics, derived from plant and animal fibers, have been a staple in human civilization for centuries. From cotton and linen to silk and wool, these textiles carry a timeless charm and embody a harmonious relationship with the environment. This article explores the virtues of natural fabrics, highlighting their diverse qualities, environmental benefits, and enduring appeal.
At the heart of the natural fabric revival is the recognition of the environmental impact associated with synthetic textiles. Polyester, nylon, and other man-made fibers, while versatile and cost-effective, often involve resource-intensive production processes and contribute to microfiber pollution. In contrast, natural fabrics provide a sustainable alternative by harnessing the inherent qualities of fibers sourced directly from nature.
Cotton, one of the most widely used natural fabrics, has been a cornerstone of textile production for centuries. Its versatility and breathability make it a popular choice for clothing and home textiles. Organic cotton, cultivated without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, further enhances the fabric's environmental profile. The resurgence of interest in organic cotton is a testament to the growing demand for eco-friendly alternatives, as consumers seek products that align with their values of sustainability and environmental consciousness.
Linen, derived from the flax plant, is another natural fabric that has gained prominence for its crisp texture and breathability. Linen has a lower environmental impact compared to cotton, requiring less water and fewer pesticides during cultivation. The fabric's natural luster and ability to keep the wearer cool in warm weather contribute to its appeal in various applications, from clothing to bed linens.
Silk, a luxurious natural fabric produced by silkworms, epitomizes elegance and refinement. While the production of silk involves a process that raises ethical considerations, particularly regarding the silkworms' well-being, advancements such as cruelty-free and peace silk offer more sustainable alternatives. The sheen and softness of silk make it a sought-after choice in high-end fashion and luxury home textiles.
Wool, sourced from sheep, goats, and other animals, represents a natural fabric with unique insulating properties. Wool fibers naturally regulate temperature, keeping the wearer warm in cold weather and cool in warm weather. Additionally, wool is known for its durability and resistance to wrinkles, reducing the need for frequent laundering. Sustainable practices in wool production, such as ethical treatment of animals and responsible land management, further enhance the fabric's eco-friendly credentials.
Natural fabrics also extend to plant-based fibers like bamboo and hemp. Bamboo fabric, derived from the fast-growing bamboo plant, offers a soft and breathable alternative with natural antibacterial properties. Hemp fabric, sourced from the hemp plant, is known for its strength and durability, requiring minimal water and pesticides during cultivation. Both bamboo and hemp represent eco-friendly choices that cater to consumers seeking sustainable alternatives.
The environmental benefits of natural fabrics extend beyond their cultivation and production. Biodegradability is a key feature that sets natural fabrics apart from their synthetic counterparts. When these textiles reach the end of their lifecycle, they naturally decompose, reducing the burden on landfills and minimizing long-term environmental impact. This characteristic aligns with the principles of a circular economy, where materials are reused, recycled, or returned to the environment without harm.
The resurgence of interest in natural fabrics is not solely driven by environmental concerns; it also stems from a desire for authenticity and a connection to heritage. Natural fabrics carry a rich history, rooted in ancient traditions and craftsmanship. From the handwoven textiles of indigenous communities to the artisanal techniques passed down through generations, these fabrics embody cultural significance and contribute to the preservation of traditional craftsmanship.
In the world of fashion, designers are increasingly turning to natural fabrics to create sustainable and ethical collections. The versatility of natural fibers allows for creative expression while adhering to responsible sourcing and production practices. The rise of slow fashion, a movement that emphasizes quality, longevity, and mindful consumption, aligns with the enduring appeal of natural fabrics.